that takes care of us
by implementing a series of environmental actions and campaigns all over Cyprus.

KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water is known for its committed social action on environmental issues. Since 2013, through our own initiative we undertook the reforestation through tree planting of the entire Kykkos forest. Continuing the action we started in 2021 with the motto “Giving new life”, we give priority to the people, with our continuous support to the work of the “Thermokoitida Agapis” Association, making sure that the support needed reaches all the premature newborns of our country and the their families.

Continuing the work from previous years we carry on giving priority to the people, supporting the actions of the Association of Friends of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit “Thermokitida Agapis”. This year’s campaign is targeted towards the challenging journey of preterm infants during the first few days of their lives. We compare their journey to that of Odysseus travelling back to his homeland, Ithaca. Through this campaign, KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water expresses their deep understanding of the challenges faced by these newborns and to this end, we make a promise to stand by them, providing support to those who give them strength along the way.

Kykkos has always prioritised the protection of the forest, giving new life each time through awareness activations as well as practical actions such as tree planting. With this year’s campaign, we give new life to “Thermokoitida Agapis” by supporting its actions. We expand our activities, shifting our focus towards humans, while continuing to protect and preserve nature in the Kykkos forest, our place of origin.
Close to our hearts
Making use of the momentum of the previous year and always aiming to maintain and strengthen people’s awareness regarding the value of the protection of the forests, we launched the campaign “Close to our hearts”. The campaign was streamed on television but its focus was the initiative entitled “With all your heart” which took place online. Through this activity, we invited people to visit www.kykkosnature.com and plant their tree online to enter a draw for a chance to win valuable prizes. The aim of the campaign, which received great success for yet another year, was to inspire the world to cultivate their love for nature.
Growing the Kykkos forest from our city
Following the catastrophic fire in the Solea forest which destroyed over 18.5 square kilometres of forest, the Lanitis Bros company and KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water decided to take action. Thus, in 2017, the campaign entitled “Growing the Kykkos forest from our city” served a greater cause, with the intention of restoring part of the disaster. Aiming to raise public awareness, we created a TV commercial inviting everyone, to show their love for the forest. We then asked people to plant their own digital tree online, through our platform, with the promise that “for every tree you plant online, Kykkos water will plant one in its place in our forests”. In order to further emphasise the importance of this initiative, we set up a screen in a shopping mall, where the public could watch live the trees being planted, under the name given to them by their benefactors. In just two and a half weeks, 2,000 trees were planted, and our goal was achieved. With the love and valuable participation of the public, today the forest area of Solea is richer by 2,000 trees.
Create the forest of Kykkos in your City
Within the same framework, aiming to remain loyal towards our values that include raising public awareness for the Kykkos forest, in 2016 we launched a campaign entitled “Create the forest of Kykkos in your city”. Aiming to create a unique experience for the public, we created an innovative application and invited people to upload two different photos, one depicting the city and one depicting nature, and combine them as one. We then asked them to vote which cause our company would fund and implement. The creativity of the entries surpassed both our and the public’s expectations. The campaign recorded 144 entries and 4,584 votes. Upon completion, Lanitis Bros funded the installation of rainwater tanks for the wildlife in the Kykkos forest.
Discover Kykkos forest in your city
Out next initiative aimed to highlight the beauty of the Kykkos forest, through the photographic lens of Cypriots. Aiming to communicate the message that the beauty of the Kykkos forest can be found everywhere within our city, we invited locals to observe their city from a different perspective, to embark on a journey of discovery and observe the beauty of nature, wherever it may be located. The campaign was a huge success and was met with a massive response from photography lovers and not only. Participants exceeded 1,531 proving, in the best way possible, that the beauty of nature will forever continue to move and astonish us. At the end of the competition, we organised a photography exhibition where the most exceptional entries received awards. The winning photographs once more, became part of the design of our 6 Χ 1,5L mulitpack.
Draw the Kykkos Forest
In 2014 we took the initiative to highlight the beauty and the immensity of the Kykkos forest and to bring it closer to each and everyone of us. In order to raise awareness, we invited the public to see it through the eyes of children. To this end, we asked a group of children to become inspired by the beauty of the forest and create a drawing. The campaign “Draw the Kykkos forest” spoke to the hearts of our local young artists and achieved great success. As part of the campaign, we held an event that was enjoyed by both the children and their families, where the most outstanding drawings received awards. To further reward the children’s efforts, we selected 4 designs to feature on our 1.5Lx6 multipacks – an innovative move for the standards of the Cypriot market. The great success of this campaign marked the beginning for a series of campaigns that followed and continue to bring the KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water even closer to our hearts.
Protect Kykkos forest
In 2013, we made a promise, to care for the forest that cares for us with love and responsibility. To this end, aiming to sustain the livelihood of the forest and its water source, we undertook the care of the Kykkos forest area, implementing a series of actions in the area in collaboration with the Forestry Department:
• We organised hiking tours to nature trails with volunteers as participants.
• We upgraded the route Ayiasma – Vasiliki, adding benches and signage for the trees and bushes. At the same time, we cleaned the area leading to the Xystaroudas picnic area and placed garbage bins.
• We contributed to the reforestation by planting 1,000 trees at the Kykkos Monastery area and we undertook the protection of century-old trees in the Kykkos Forest.